Lesson 1: The importance of effective communication as a future engineer.

I was tasked to write down what the quote below means to me.

“While all engineers should have good communication skills, global engineers face additional challenges, making effective communication an imperative.”

Debra Kraft, Careers Content Writer, Demand Media (2016)

As engineers, proficient speaking is important especially to someone outside  of the engineering background.


  1. So what is the difference between an engineer and a 'global engineer'?

    1. Dear Professor Blackstone,

      After a long trimester, I have finally found meaning to the quote.

      As engineers , we tend to share or present our ideas while using mathematical and scientific terms that engineers understand. Hence, the language and terms used are quite complex and only understood by other engineers of similar background.

      However, as an global engineer, we have to share our ideas to the world, consisting of people that speak different languages and understand terms differently. As the English language is the universal language for majority of the world's population, global engineers have to use simple yet precised terms when explaining their product. Global engineers need to have the skills to paraphrase accurately for their potential buyers to fully understand their product.

      Best regards,


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